

                            ( The struggler )

A 12 year boy Anup was living in meerut,  in the son 1985. There was not a single t.v in his area at that time ,but he is very interested in cinema. For watching t.v anup travel  5 km meerut to his uncle's house, one day anup was watching a movie and suddenly he said I'll be an an actor one day ,and after telling this to his uncle he has ran away to his home. 

                             ( After 12 years)

Now,Anup is 24 year old and he is standing at mumbai railway station. 

Anup: This is my dream city but from where i                     can start.

(Suddenly a boy looks like his age is same as anup came near to anup)

Boy: hey are visited in Mumbai first time ?

Anup: yes,but how you know that ?

Boy : listen I know because I'm here for pick you

Anup: why ?

Boy : because your relative send me here to pick            you 

Anup: that's fine.

( The boy take the all bags and started walking near to cab. But after few minutes he pushed anup one side and ran away by the cab.)

Anup : (shouting) thief ...thief.... someone call the police the boy is running away with my all luggage. 

( anup us now robbed, )

Anup: omg why I came here ,how stupid I'm 

( A old man came to near anup)

Old man: what happened child?

                      To be continue.....

Next part is coming soon....


  1. Nice story. Feeling said for Anup and the only suggestion is to take care about capitalisation. I will wait for part 2.

  2. In very first line 'in son....' please correct it.
    In third line before but you use comma.

  3. Need to work on ending of story .


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