Reporting earthquakes in North India

Good morning India, reporter Abhishek is here _____ did you felt last night earthquake_______ yes last night in North India _________the magnitude of earthquake was 6.7 _________ in north India many destruction are found and many people has injured due to earthquake________this is very bad news for us and every year approx 800 big and small_________ last 3 years data is given_____

[DATE]            [LOCATION]          [MAGNITUDE]

2017-01-03 India, Bangladesh 5.7 Mw

2016-01-04 India, Myanmar, Bangladesh 6.7 

2015-10-26 Afghanistan, India, P 7.7

2015-05-12 Nepal, India                7

2015-04-25 Nepal, India            7.8    

If you'll face earthquake please follow these things_______

                         🙏   Thank you  🙏


  1. Abhishek your sentence structure is very well and your collection data is good and you should write more interesting news people attract to him that it!

    1. Thanks for your feedback. I'll work on this.

  2. Try to focus also on some of words aslo.


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